Protecting Your Castle From Pests

Protecting Your Castle From Pests

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What are spiders?

Spiders are arachnids and live in large numbers throughout most of the world. Though spiders vary in size and color depending on the species, there are some physical features that all spiders have in common, such as two body parts, chelicerae (fangs), eight legs, no antennae, no wings, and they lack chewing mouthparts. Many people are afraid of these leggy creatures, but the truth is, spiders are a beneficial pest and play an essential role in the ecosystem. Spiders are predators and help to keep populations of nuisance insects under control. But no matter how helpful they may be, spiders become unwanted pests when they move into our yards and homes in large numbers.

Are spiders dangerous?

Only those spiders with venom strong enough to pose health problems for people are dangerous. Most species of spiders that invade our homes and yards are harmless. However, you should always take care around spiders, respect their space, and never purposely handle or provoke them.

Common Types of Spiders in The Central Valley

House Spider

The house spider is about 3/8-inch long with a brownish body. It has a round abdomen with darker markings and spins silky webs around prey. They select web locations at random and if the location does not ensnare prey, they will abandon it and find a new place for construction.

Garden Spider

These spiders spin expansive, elaborate organized flat orb webs. They can get big, with bodies 1½-inches long, covered with colorful markings, and even longer legs. As their name suggests, garden spiders often live in gardens, trapping flies in their intricate webs. They also frequently engineer webs attached to fences or exterior walls.

Wolf Spider

They’re large, brown, and hairy ranging from ½-inch to 2-inches in length. They look much scarier than they are. Wolf spiders aren’t typically associated with webs. Inside homes, they often hang out near windows, doors, house plants, or storage areas.

Brown Recluse Spider

Their bites can be hazardous to humans. The venomous brown recluse, with a dark brown fiddle-shaped marking, is about ½-inch long. They feed upon soft-bodied insects and hunt their prey at night. At sun-up, they drag their food to spin irregular off-white webs in dark secluded areas. If bitten, seek medical attention immediately.

Why do I have a spider problem?

Food, water, and shelter are what draw spiders to a property. In reality, any yard is a place that spiders are comfortable calling home. Our yards not only provide them will plenty of places for these reclusive creatures to hide, but in most cases, plenty of insects for them to hunt.

Where will I find spiders?

Spiders live outside in gardens, grass, trees, shrubs, woodpiles, and rock piles. They also take up residence behind shingles and window shutters. Spiders are common invaders in homes, garages, and other outbuildings, usually moving inside when following their prey. Whether living indoors or out, spiders choose dark, secluded areas to burrow or build their webs. Basements, closets, crawlspaces, attics, and areas under furniture provide suitable living conditions for spiders.

How do I get rid of spiders?

There are many species of spiders living throughout the Central Valley. The best way to get rid of spiders in your yard or home and prevent them from returning is to partner with Castle Pest Management. Our experienced professionals and modern services provide home and business owners with peace of mind knowing that their pest problems will be solved once and for all. If you are looking to get rid of spiders from your property with the help of dedicated, local professionals reach out to Castle Pest Management today!

How can I prevent spiders in the future?

For homeowners who want to protect their homes from spiders, partner with Castle Pest Management and use the following prevention tips:

  • Cut tree branches, shrubs, and bushes away from the exterior of your home.
  • Keep spiders out by sealing openings in the foundation, exterior walls, and roofline of your home.
  • Make sure window and door screens are entirely intact.
  • Place mesh covers over vents leading into your home.
  • Keep the grass cut short.
  • Place gardens and woodpiles a distance away from the outside of your home.
  • Maintain gardens to prevent them from overgrowing.
  • Remove debris and clutter from your home and yard where spiders can hide.

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