Protecting Your Castle From Pests

Protecting Your Castle From Pests

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What are mice?

Mice are a type of rodent and a common invader of both homes and businesses. They have come to at least partially depend on people for their survival. They are small mammals and have an oval-shaped body covered in light brown or gray fur and a lighter colored underbelly. Their tail has a light layer of fur covering it and is about the same length or longer than the body. They have a pointed nose and small ears. Like any species of rodent, they also have front incisors that continuously grow throughout their life.

Are mice dangerous?

Mice are unwelcome and dangerous pests. They spread diseases, transport parasites, contaminate food and trigger allergies. Their insistent chewing to stop their teeth from overgrowing causes structural damage, damage to personal items, and pose a risk of fire.

House Mice

House mice are easily recognized by their small body, long tail, large ears, and small dark beady eyes. An adult house mouse can grow to between 51/2 and 7 inches in total length, including their tail. Their fur ranges in color from a grayish-brown to a very dark gray or almost black color; they have a lighter colored belly that is usually tan or off-white. Their tail and ears are both covered in a layer of velvet-like fur.

House mice have come to somewhat rely on people for food, water, and shelter. They will invade any property that gives them easy access to any of those three necessities. Mice can enter into homes and other buildings any time during the year but can be particularly problematic in the fall when they are seeking a warm place to overwinter inside. Inside of homes, they will choose a location that is near food and water sources to nest in; behind appliances, walls, in attics, and behind walls voids are all locations that house mice commonly choose to live in.

Why do I have a mouse problem?

House mice are prolific breeders and are nocturnal, staying out of sight of people, making them a difficult pest to control and eliminate. As our habitats have merged, more and more mice have taken up residence on properties near our homes and in our yards. Mice are attracted to any yard or home that provides them with their basic needs of food, water, and shelter.

Where will I find mice?

In nature, mice live in fields, parks, wooded areas, and our yards. Mice typically live outside but find their way indoors while foraging for food. They can move inside any time of the year, although they tend to move in when the weather outside becomes cooler. Indoor nesting spots for mice include wall voids, behind large appliances, crawlspaces, attics, and basements.

How do I get rid of mice?

There are many species of mice living throughout the Central Valley. The best way to get rid of mice that are in your yard or home and prevent them from returning is to partner with Castle Pest Management. Our experienced professionals and modern services provide home and business owners with peace of mind knowing that their pest problems will be solved once and for all. If you are looking to get rid of rodents from your property with the help of dedicated, local professionals, reach out to Castle Pest Management today!

How can I prevent mice in the future?

For homeowners who want to protect their homes from mice, partner with Castle Pest Management, and use the following prevention tips:

  • Keep mice out by using a caulking gun to repair cracks in the foundation and exterior walls. Install door sweeps and place weatherstripping around windows and doors.
  • Keep garage doors closed when not in use.
  • Pick up uneaten pet food each evening.
  • Make your yard less attractive to mice by removing fallen trees, tree stumps, and woodpiles from your yard.
  • Cut back tree branches and overgrown shrubs from the exterior of your home.
  • Eliminate food sources by keeping tight-fitting or locking lids on outdoor trash cans and compost bins.
  • Place gardens as far away from the outside walls of your home as possible. Regularly harvest vegetables and fruits.

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