Protecting Your Castle From Pests

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What are hornets & wasps?

Hornets and wasps are both types of stinging insects. They use their stinger to defend themselves and to paralyze other insects that they then bring back to the colony to feed the developing larvae. Both hornets and wasps have short fuses and will not hesitate to use their stinger to defend themselves or their colony. Both hornets and wasps look very similar to each other and are often confused for one another. They have long, hairless bodies and narrow waists. They are usually yellow and black, yellow and brown, or white and black. Common species of hornets include the bald-faced hornet and European hornet. Common species of wasps include the yellow jacket and paper wasp.

Are hornets & wasps dangerous?

Both hornets and wasps are dangerous insects because the venom they have is strong enough to trigger allergic reactions in people. Wasps can trigger anaphylactic shock to those severely allergic to their venom. Wasps and hornets have smooth stingers, which allow them to sting their victims repeatedly, injecting more and more venom with each sting – making them an even bigger threat to people and animals.

Common Types of Hornets & Wasps in The Central Valley

Baldfaced Hornet

Baldfaced hornets have a long, thin, wasp-like body. They are large with workers growing to between one half and five-eighths of an inch. The queens are even larger and grow to be about three-fourths of an inch. Baldfaced hornets are black except for an off-white pattern on their face, the end of their abdomen, and the thorax. Baldfaced hornets tend to place their paper nests 3 feet or higher off the ground. An interesting fact about baldfaced hornets is that they aren’t hornets; they are more closely related to yellow jackets. They are only referred to as “hornets” because of their large size.

Yellow Jacket

Yellowjackets have a very distinctive appearance with hairless bodies and very elongated thin waists. Their heads and faces are black or yellow and their smooth bodies are generally patterned with yellow and black.   Another feature that stands out with these stinging insects is that they have elongated wings that fold laterally against their bodies when at rest.  Adults grow to between 3/8th and 5/8th of an inch in length.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps have a pinched waist and six long thin legs that dangle down below their body as they fly. Their bodies are black or brown with yellow and/or orange markings; paper wasp wings are grayish.  Adults grow to between ½ and 1 inch in length. These wasps are often identified by their umbrella-shaped nests that they create from paper-like material.

Why do I have a hornet & wasp problem?

Hornets and wasps can find their way onto any property to nest, preferring properties that offer easy access to food and safe shelter. Yards near wooded areas, flowering vegetation, and trees are attractive to hornets and wasps.

Where will I find hornets & wasps?

Hornets and wasps have a varied diet feeding on proteins and sweets. They are often seen during the day buzzing around and foraging for food in gardens, around trash cans, in compost, and around outdoor eating areas. They nest in aerial and ground locations including:

  • Under decks, porch ceilings, and roof eaves
  • In the corners of doorways
  • In tree hollows, woodpiles, and between rock crevices
  • Inside ground holes or the abandoned nests of small animals
  • In garages, behind walls voids, and chimneys

How do I get rid of hornets & wasps?

There are many species of hornets and wasps living throughout the Central Valley. Identifying the type of hornets and wasps is key to getting rid of them. The best way to get rid of hornets and wasps in your yard or home and prevent them from returning is to partner with Castle Pest Management. Our experienced professionals and modern services provide home and business owners with peace of mind knowing that their pest problems will be solved once and for all. If you are looking to get rid of stinging hornets and wasps from your property with the help of dedicated, local professionals, reach out to Castle Pest Management today!

How can I prevent hornets & wasps in the future?

For homeowners who want to protect their homes from hornets and wasps, partner with Castle Pest Management and use the following prevention tips:

  • Keep hornets and wasps out of your home by caulking holes in the exterior walls and roofline. Place tight-fitting lids on chimneys and mesh covers over vents.
  • Reduce nesting spots by filling in the ground holes in your yard. Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, and excess piles of wood from your property.
  • Get rid of food sources by keeping tight-fitting lids on all garbage cans and compost bins. Make sure outdoor eating areas are free of food debris. Don’t over-plant flowering vegetation on your property, especially near your home’s exterior.

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